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History: Year 7 History

History Guide

Databases - Ancient Rome research

Ancient China

Australian History Mysteries

Ancient Rome Engineer, Medicine, Religion websites

Teenage life in Ancient Rome

The REAL test

Use the REAL test to help you evaluate websites:

R - Read the URL The web address can tell you information about the site such as which country or type of organization owns the site.

E - Examine the site's content  Does this site provide information relevant to your task? Is it reliable? Is it current?

A - Ask about the author Who is the author of the site? Is this someone who is an authority in their field?

L - Look at the site Does the site look like a student's work? Is it filled with advertising? Does it look professional?

REAL - helps with source selection

Ancient Rome Women websites

Ancient Rome marketplace websites

Ancient Rome - General Information Websites

Ancient Rome Senators Websites

Ancient Rome Soldier and Gladiator websites

Ancient Rome Slave websites